The Doug Ford You Voted For …
… Is now in Florida selling us out.
Sadly, many people in Ontario continue to choose to overlook his past, but let’s revisit it anyways.
Doug Ford since July, 2018:
1. Killed Cap & Trade resulting in between $3B and $4B in lost revenue (not including lawsuits).
3. Fired Chief scientist
9. Ends electric & hydrogen vehicle incentive program
11. Cut 700+ green projects ($100M to shut down 1 wind farm alone)
12. Rolled sex ed back to 1998
24. Buck a beer at taxpayer expense.
25. Launches “Ontario News Now”, he hired fake reporters at news conferences
27. Muzzles civil servants from using words “climate change”
Sued by and lost to Tesla
33. Sued by teachers re: Sex ed
34. Sued by City of Toronto re: Bill 5 / 31
36. Governance deficiency results in downgrade of Hydro One credit rating (interest on debt rises)
40. Mental health funding cut by $1.34B over four years
45. 2 of 4 credit rating agencies downgrade Ontario from stable to negative.
46. Disbanded Anti-Racism Directorate and all sub-committees. Cut 10%to Human Rights Legal Support Centre)
49. Cut WSIB payments to injured workers by 30%
54. Cost approx $35M to fight the federal carbon tax
59. Removes rent control for new units
62. Appoints OPP Commissioner of questionable qualifications (& lied about pulling strings to put said long time friend in charge of the OPP) *investigation ongoing.
65. Ontario Chief Accountant resigned after she refused to sign off on Finance Minister Vic Fedeli’s inflated $15B deficit.
66. Bill 66: Restoring Ontario’s Competitiveness Act: cuts protections for water, food, childcare safety and opened up the greenbelt to development (Greenbelt development currently on hold) *edited
76. Bill 66 – allows municipalities to ignore environmental, heath and safety regulations
80. Removes electric vehicle chargers from GO station parking lots.
86. Promoted white supremacy and paid zero political price for it.
93. Scrapped the Social Impact bonds issued by the previous government
97. Cuts in pay for family doctors working in new primary care models in Ontario
103. Calls on Fed Govt to end all tariffs on steel and aluminum.
145. Spends approximately “seven figures” on anti-carbon tax media campaign,
151. *$30B OFFER FROM FEDS SITS* Ontario losing out on a promised $30B, 10 year infrastructure because Ford refuses to work with the federal govt.