The High Cost of the Truth …
Dutch disease: another taboo in the Conservative world that joins other terms like ‘accountability’ and ‘digital strategy’.
Dutch disease: another taboo in the Conservative world that joins other terms like ‘accountability’ and ‘digital strategy’.
It’s stupid to think that a carbon tax would have any benefit for our economy or change habits.
Harper kills environment. Not much of a surprise, but painful nonetheless.
Canada wastes several billion PER YEAR subsidizing the creation, expansion and mechanization of the Tar Sands in Alberta, all so that we can export billions more in Dirty Oil to the United States. It’s a failed strategy when it comes to energy development, storage and transfer in this country. It must change. Any government other than a Stephen Harper Government (TM) would eliminate these subsidies. […]
The EU plan to price Canadian oil differently than other energy means someone out there will be making money off the Tar Sands. Too bad it’s not us.