Stephen Harper, Fascist?
Is Stephen Harper a Fascist? You take the survey and judge for yourself.
Is Stephen Harper a Fascist? You take the survey and judge for yourself.
Under Barack Obama, the US taken a definitive step into the ugly world of fascism now that the National Defense Authorization Act is now law.
An array of stories related to ‘excited delirium’.
This goes in the ‘no s7!t’ pile of obvious conclusions about what happened last year during the G20 conference in Toronto, but it’s still worth reporting to the general public that what went down last year was just plain wrong. Once again, we see that fascism is alive and well in Canada and 40% of our fellow citizens voted for this!
To be honest, I admit that I feel I’m wading into deep waters of ignorance on this one, but I felt compelled to share this link with the audience that follows Excited Delirium. I’ve seen a few other stories related to the US government’s act to impose limitations on the growth and sale of local or organic foods, but I’m really keen to get feedback […]