The Cost of Carbon and the Canadian Economic Action Plan
Canada’s Economic (In)Action Plan will cost Canadians more than they realized when they tally up the environmental costs. Stay tuned.
Canada’s Economic (In)Action Plan will cost Canadians more than they realized when they tally up the environmental costs. Stay tuned.
How much of our public spending on infrastructure goes to the mob? Will an inquiry be held in 2010? Only if we all demand one.
Harper’s Environmental Annihilation Plan (EAP) will destroy anything that stands in its path. What will YOU do?
The Harper Administration has made a commitment to spend more than $500 billion (BILLION) over the next ten years on the Department of Defense. Because most of this expense will be on non-Canadian companies and companies in the US and elsewhere that are committed to one thing – eternal strife – we need to seriously re-evaluate this expenditure. And when we do, the rewards will […]