Covid Journal, January 7, 2021
Donald Trump was, is and will always be seen as a product of a country without leadership.
Donald Trump was, is and will always be seen as a product of a country without leadership.
White privilege? Trickle-down fail? PCR fail? Cure for Cancer? All in today’s journal. Happy holidays!
Arbitrary rules and inconsistent application of lockdown requirements will just fuel people’s thoughts about favouratism and anxiety related to the ‘do as we say, not as we do’ leadership of this province.
December 21, Winter Solstice The darkest day of the longest year has finally passed. December 21 is the traditional ‘Winter Solstice’ night, where in the northern hemisphere, the number of dark minutes are greater than the number of light minutes. In simple terms, we embrace this moment when every day, we get just a little more sunlight until Summer Solstice … and then the cycle […]
Tracking the Covid bonanza; Alberta is in trouble.