George HW Bush
I know we’ll have endless reporting over the next few days, but there will be no tears here on the passing of the 41st President of the United States.
George HW Bush was an integral part of a deep well of espionage as well as leader of the military-industrial escalation for the world’s economies in the last half of the 20th century. He, his companies and his leadership also took us from a planet of potential to one of carbon-based economic ruin.
A little steep, right?
I suppose.
But when the obit appeared in the Washington Post, they had the curious number of ‘322’ beside the play button, I couldn’t help but be curious. Video length?
Or … an homage to his membership with the supposedly obscure ‘Skull and Bones‘ group from Yale?
You be the judge.
Here’s a little reminder from the Wiki page just in case you weren’t sure …
Conspiracies … there’s no ‘me’ in conspiracies, but there’s certainly ‘spies’ and ‘CIA 🙂