Life After Prorogue
What to do after the No Prorogue rallies? Get to the heart of the issue: support Richard Colvin. Demand accountability.
What to do after the No Prorogue rallies? Get to the heart of the issue: support Richard Colvin. Demand accountability.
Harper has blinked. It’s over. But who’s going to step in?
Stephen ‘Harpoons’ democracy in Canada. Michaelle Jean is an accomplice.
Who were the people that brought us down in 2009? This list of 20 or so people and institutions represent my thoughts for those who helped us sink to new lows in 2009.
When (if doesn’t really seem to be a logical conclusion to the situation in Parliament right now) Stephen Harpoons Canadian democracy (again) using prorogation (again) inappropriately (again), the following is a list of bills that will die on the floor of the House of Commons. While most of them are Conservative bills, it reminds us all how inefficient the lust for control of power With […]