Tax Changes Worth Considering
Eliminating deductions represent an obvious way to improve public finances without punishing those small companies with new tax increases. This article offers up a few simple ideas related to this topic.
Eliminating deductions represent an obvious way to improve public finances without punishing those small companies with new tax increases. This article offers up a few simple ideas related to this topic.
Here’s a great piece from David Climenhaga contributing to rabble about fiscal openness. While it’s extremely unlikely that the Harperites will follow his advice, I fully agree that now is the time to open all books for any organization that receives (or received) public funds of any kind. If unions are being wrenched open – and I don’t see why they shouldn’t – then we […]
The Conservatives have been busted for rigging the 2006 election yet we have no way of addressing the problem.
London, Ontario becomes the first Canadian city to turf occupiers.