Canadian Election: Stephen Harper Eats Crow for Bird Stunt
Steve has committed his first major gaff (of what I hope to be many) in the runup to the Canadian Election. The republicans Conservatives launched a major new juvenile web site (I’m not going to link to it) that has a bird flying over Stephane Dion and then the bird then shits on a picture of Mr. Dion’s head.
What are these guys? A bunch of three-year olds? These are the people we’re going to hand over the reigns to our country to? Welcome to the Conservative Parody of Canada.
I can just picture all of the comebacks and fodder for the Rick Mercer’s of the world:
"Who’s the shit-head now?" one pundit might ask.
"Don’t criticize me or I’ll have an animated bird shit on your head too!!"
Honestly. What a bunch of terds.
Stephen Harper later apologized for what can only be called a gaff, but thankfully, the damage has been done. His reputation is now about as solid as, well … well-processed bird poop.