Author: admin

October 6, 2008

Vote for Environment: We are the majority

I’ve changed this article, thanks to feedback from ‘jamthebruce’ (see comments below). I actually thought that Avaaz was started in Canada, but I stand to be corrected.  More importantly (thanks to Jam’s insights), it’s apparent that the notion of ‘vote splitting’ and ‘voting strategically’ is a bit of a tempest in a teapot that does more harm to NDP and Green voters than it does […]

October 5, 2008

Bailout Bonus Cheques

Goldman Sachs has been busy, it seems. The bailout package in the US was voted down once, but was revised and ultimately passed by the US Senate.  The will of the American people seemed to be overrun by the will of the financial ‘pundits’. This is the greatest payoff in history and the world will pay for it. For more information, check out this video […]

September 15, 2008

International Price Hikes Coming?

In the past, I’ve tried to assess the impact that the declining US dollar has on international commodity prices.  Link 1 .  Link 2 .  Link 3 . At the core, I believe that we (as global citizens) are making a mistake by tying our commodity prices and products to the US dollar.  To quote the old adage "you don’t put all of your eggs […]

September 9, 2008

Canadian Election: Stephen Harper Eats Crow for Bird Stunt

Steve has committed his first major gaff (of what I hope to be many) in the runup to the Canadian Election.  The republicans Conservatives launched a major new juvenile web site (I’m not going to link to it) that has a bird flying over Stephane Dion and then the bird then shits on a picture of Mr. Dion’s head. What are these guys?  A bunch […]

August 8, 2008


What an awesome collection of research: . I especially like the McCain profile: click here for the full image . It’s not about the oil. No. Not a chance. Does anyone know if similar data is available for Canada?