Author: admin

October 10, 2008

Futher Exploration of the Financial Bailout

People keep asking how and why the financial is happening.  With running commentary from progressive Democrat Dennis Kucinich, Chris Hedges explores the financial crisis in layman’s detail . Basically, Americans got screwed.  The bailout package represents the greatest shift of wealth upwards that the world will ever see and few, if any, pennies will be spent on the 10 or so million Americans that are […]

October 9, 2008

Disqus Loaded

I’ve implemented a new commenting system, thanks to the reference from Michael. It’s called Disqus.  It allows users to track all of their own personal comments and pings users whenever someone else adds to their comments. I haven’t tested it yet, but I’m looking forward to creating more dialogue.

October 9, 2008

Why Canada Is Safe from the Wave of Financial Disaster

Today, Jim Flaherty disclosed that the Republicans Conservatives will not take any additional action to protect Canadians from the wave of financial distress that is covering the globe. Why are we safe?  Because Canada’s financial environment is more secure than what exists in the US and elsewhere. Why are we safe?  Because privately-held, but government controlled, institutions like the Canadian Deposit Insurance Company (the CDIC) […]

October 9, 2008

Muzzled: A Full Record of Conservative Candidates that do NOT Speak

Stephen Harper talks about leadership all the time. What leader is there that actually does everything?  Stephen Harper. What leader fears delegation more than anything?  Stephen Harper. This site has been keeping track of all of the Conservative candidates that have been muzzled during the course of this election.  There are far too many on the list. Over the last month, we’ve seen record numbers […]