Author: admin

October 19, 2008

Cuba to Become an Oil Player

Full Story Here. The dynamics of the Carribean just got a little more dynamic. Now that Cuba will have serious cash-flow, they’ll be able to partner with the likes of Venezuela and Bolivia and start driving the US nuts. Expect the ‘axis of evil’ rhetoric to increase exponentially in the coming months.

October 19, 2008

Head of Taser Distributor Arrested in France

NOTE:  Now that the Canadian election is a bust, it’s time I got back to the original and targeted intent of this blog, which is to follow all things related to Taser and the shock economy. Original story here. French police arrested the head of a company that distributes stun guns in France for Scottsdale-based Taser International Inc. on Tuesday, according to foreign news reports. […]

October 18, 2008

The Solution to Casino-Capitalism?

Ralph Nader has some timely suggestions for reducing or eliminating what he calls ‘casino-capitalism’:  a tax on transactions. Full story here. So what do you think?  Would the powers that be even remotely consider a tax on their own transactions?  No. That would be like asking a Ford to impose a tax on its own engines. I’m sorry if I sound resistant to the idea.  […]

October 16, 2008

16% = (near) majority

The will of 16% of the population of Canada has been thrust upon.  Steve is acting like he’s been handed a majority.  Stephane has succombed.  Jack’s gang is a little larger, but no longer a threat. The numbers are really quite depressing. For starters, only 3 out of every 5 Canadians voted.  I’d like to know what happened to the other 40%. A total of […]

October 15, 2008

Canadian Election: Next Steps

Well, another day, another $300,000,000 down the drain. Or was it? Last night, Canada voted.  What did we prove? Here are my thoughts. The two ‘traditional’ parties (Conservatives & Liberals) are flailing: The Cons got (nearly) the same vote as the last election The Liberals got pounded and Dion has already made his ‘I’ll do what you want’ speech The NDP & Greens did exceptionally […]