Author: admin

October 27, 2008

Palin’s Home State Paper Endorses Obama

This endorsement was offered by the Anchorage Daily News which is, of course, in Sarah Palin’s home state.  Now, I’m sure there are lots of publishers in Arizona endorsing Obama or lots of folks in Illinois endorsing McCain, but this seems very apt for the current state of the election. That said, let’s see how the election results actually pan out before gloating too much.

October 26, 2008

Monsanto out to ruin farming in Mesopotamia?

Just as I’m reporting on SPIN farming and efforts to grow our own produce in our backyards, I come across this article describing Monsanto’s efforts to control farming in Mesopotamia.  While we make efforts to collect and harvest heritage seeds, Monsanto is ramming ‘democracy’ down the throats of Iraqi farmers in the form of legalized theft. This whole thing disgusts me.  I could be wrong, […]

October 26, 2008

SPIN Farming

SPIN is short for "Small Plot Intensive" Farming, a project that was started by Wally Satzewich and Gail Vandersteen.  Their site can be found here . The purpose of the project is to maximize the use of backyard space in urban and suburban areas.  I’d like to help them get a boost, mainly by encouraging people to link to their site and refer to them […]

October 26, 2008

The Power of the Internet and the End of Rovian Politics

This is an inspirational piece .  I read it with glee.  Before reading below, here’s a great example of what Ms. Huffington is talking about. Here are some of the details: Thanks to YouTube — and blogging and instant fact-checking and viral emails — it is getting harder and harder to get away with repeating brazen lies without paying a price, or to run under-the-radar […]