Author: admin

November 13, 2008

Now it’s AMEX?

According to this story , AMEX is running to the US government, cap in hand, pleading that they don’t have any money any more.  Or that they need $3.5 billion to keep them warm and toasty at night. OH COME ON!! Next, it’ll be Halliburton running to their buddies in Washington, claiming that the plans to withdraw from Iraq has cost them business so they […]

November 13, 2008

Cry-baby Capitalism

Cry-baby capitalism is making me sick to my stomach. Why is that when things are on the way up, we’re all told to buckle up and suck it up and keep up with all of the others that are racing ahead of us as we stumble in our careers or other activities, while on the way down, the world’s (once) largest companies are the first […]

November 9, 2008

Financial Chaos and the Crisis of Neoliberalism

In my search for alternatives, I came across this series of lectures provided by the Socialist Project, found here . There are three lectures: (1) Marxian Views of Financial Capital and Credit, (2) Capitalism, Neoliberalism and the Current Crises of Wall Street and Bay Street, and (3) Bank Bailouts or Socialist Alternatives? Unfortunately, they’re a little long and there were no talking points or other […]

November 7, 2008

Socialist International: Statement on the Global Financial Crisis The following is from the Socialist International Statement on the Global Financial Crisis.  I’ve been trying to find additional sources and discussions related to unique approaches to ‘solving’ the crisis that’s been thrust upon us all (and I mean, the globe), so if you have links or other sources, please provide them in the comments. STATEMENT ON THE GLOBAL FINANCIAL CRISIS The financial crisis […]