Author: admin

November 6, 2008

A Chilling Reminder about Electronic Voting

We all had some pretty nasty fears heading into the election thinking things like:  "Would the GOP be stupid enough to rig it despite Obama’s massive lead?" or "would it just be the ‘swing states’ where problems would arise?" Thankfully, none of that bullshit happened (again).  If it did, I’m sure the million or so in Chicago would have fanned out across the States and […]

November 6, 2008

Change is coming …

I’m loathe to be critical of someone who is promising change and who hasn’t even had a chance to sit in the big chair yet, but when Obama promised ‘change’, was he just talking about pocket change, like pennies and nickels? This announcement makes me feel that way.  Appointing another alumnus from Goldman Sachs to the Department of Treasury doesn’t really smell like ‘change’.  It […]

November 5, 2008


Last night’s victory by Barack Hussein Obama was history in the making. He’s the first African-American President-elect. He’s young. He’s likely to have a very unique way of doing things. And he’ll probably enjoy two terms. And election season is over.  For now. The last two months have proven to be a massive distraction for my regular work, but I’ve enjoyed following the Canadian and […]