Author: admin

November 16, 2008

The Real Enemy? Corn

According to this article , research efforts related to the impact of corn on our society are difficult, stymied by the fast food industry and generally unpopular within the academic circles. For years now, chickens and cows have been force-fed a food product that isn’t even part of their original diet.  With cows, the effect of eating corn is particularly disturbing: Corn fattens up cows […]

November 14, 2008

UK: Taking a Tilt Towards a Repressive Society

Sometimes, I’m a little surprised that the UK teeters further into fascism than any other country, given that they gave us the Magna Carta and all that other fun stuff, but here they go again . As always, the central claim is that it’s the only way to capture terrorists and to ensure that the media doesn’t get ahead of government actions, but we all […]

November 14, 2008

Tories to Flush Canada-led Water Monitoring Program

Original story here . I suppose this goes in the ‘if it ain’t oil, we ain’t going to watch it’ file. Ironically, water will one day be more valuable than oil, but we’ll leave that problem to our kids, I suppose. All to save a shitty little $1.5 million.  How embarassing. DETAILS: Tories to flush Canada-led water-monitoring program Written by Sue Bailey, THE CANADIAN PRESS […]

November 14, 2008

9/11: More than meets the eye

Original story here. During the last Canadian election, a lot of stink was made about the fact that a number of intelligent and potential candidates were on record as questioning all of the answers that we’ve received concerning 9/11. I have no problems with questioning the official story, if only because there are SO MANY inconsistencies. Another note:  I couldn’t help but post the details […]