Author: admin

November 19, 2008

Auto Bailout: Whither the ZENN Car?

Everyone is talking about doling out more cash to a bunch of lame-duck capitalists, and yet we’ve got a perfect Made-In-Canada solution. The ZENN car , or Zero Emission No Noise car, is an electric vehicle that is being manufactured in Quebec for Quebecers.  The sticker price starts around $15,000 and the extras (AC/radio/etc) would put you at about $20,000. But we’re not supporting it.  […]

November 16, 2008

Who is Gerald Celente? Someone to Listen To?

Here’s a Fox clip (of all sources, yes) from InfoWars, that showcases an interview with Gerald Celente . Summary of his predictions for America: America, the first ‘undeveloped’ country (no swift solution to economic issues, the steaming turd of a platform that Bush left for Obama) Revolution, riots, rebellion, marches Holidays 2012:  food more important than gifts I’d like to explore a few of his […]

November 16, 2008

Con Convention

Conservatives are meeting in Winnipeg to develop a platform. Gee … it would have been nice to see that BEFORE the Canadian election. Here are some leaked details (warning:  PDF)

November 16, 2008

The Pirates of Parliament

First, they squandered our budget surpluses and gave them away to corporations, most of which aren’t even Canadian-owned any more. Then, they said that they would never run a deficit before the election and announced that deficits would become all the rage after the election.  I’m looking for a ‘before/after video clip to post here – if you have one, please let me know. Now, […]