Author: admin

December 22, 2008

Stimulus for ALL Sectors

Hi everyone, I’ve copy/pasted below a letter from Tonya Surman and Peter Clutterbuck of the Ontario Non-Profit Network.  It’s imperative that we do everything we can to encourage Jim Flaherty and all of the other folks who will have an impact on the Jan 27 economic stimulus package to consider helping the non-profit, charity and co-op sectors. Here’s their letter: Please forward this email to […]

December 21, 2008

HPV Vaccinations: Killing Girls Slowly?

This article leaves a lot to be desired for the decision to vaccinate a lot of young Canadian girls with HPV treatment. I think we need to re-evaluate why we were in such a rush to spend $300 million on a drug that may not have been adequately tested, especially when we’re ready to go to election again over $28 million in public finance for […]

December 20, 2008

Canada: Reaching up to touch bottom

Canada’s environmental policy (or lack thereof) has come under scrutiny yet again, this time in Poznan, Poland.  Last week, at the summit that would help determine some of the terms of the follow-up to the Kyoto Protocol, Canada again deferred to the worst polluters in the world and said we couldn’t do something until they did. I can’t get my head around the stupidity of […]

December 20, 2008

Car Crazy

I’m getting sick of hearing about the plight of North American car companies. And now we’ve done it:  we’ve made a commitment to old-school, traditional businesses that speak nothing about the future that Canadians want.  Just today, Stephen Harper announced a bailout package for GM and Chrysler, something he could finally stomach after his lord and master George Bush did the same in the US. […]