Author: admin

November 17, 2009

Massive Lawsuit Against Chevron

Chevron, America’s beloved oil giant, is facing one of the world’s largest lawsuits. The company is accused of polluting the water sources and water sheds of the Amazon, potentially destroying Ecuador’s waterways and lakes. The original story is here and research credit goes to cryptogon. Just a reminder to all Canadian readers that Chevron is extremely active in the tar sands of Alberta. Full text: […]

November 13, 2009

Don’t Shoot Me: Boy Suffers From Rare Disease After H1N1 Shot

This story from MSNBC captures the essence of why I’m OK with letting other people get their shot at my expense. As I read about how a young boy lost most of his muscle control after getting the H1N1 vaccination, this quote struck me: Since the start of the H1N1 vaccine campaign, the CDC has repeatedly warned that certain conditions, such as miscarriage, heart attack […]

November 13, 2009

Jason Kenney’s View of the World (But Not Canada’s) has a great spoof of Jason Kenney’s view of the world. The fact that these people run our country is disgusting enough, but the fact that they’re rewriting our description of what it means to be a Conservative Canadian is reprehensible.  Why did this document have to be rewritten?  Only so that people like Jason Kenney could pick a fight with non-white, non-Christian people […]