The Cost of Carbon and the Canadian Economic Action Plan
Canada’s Economic (In)Action Plan will cost Canadians more than they realized when they tally up the environmental costs. Stay tuned.
Canada’s Economic (In)Action Plan will cost Canadians more than they realized when they tally up the environmental costs. Stay tuned.
This … Or this … Would you believe that the Tar Sands in Alberta could pose a greater environmental risk than the drilling rigs off the coast of the Gulf of Mexico? Certainly, if you have time to read this 96 page report from this Ceres-commissioned report authored by RiskMetrics Group. A brief review of the document was provided on the Ceres website, including the […]
Should our minister of industry be acting as pitch man for individual companies in China? Probably not. Should he be fired for the conflict of interest? Definitely.
Marci McDonald’s “The Armageddon Factor” is a wake up call for all Canadians who want sane people running out government.