US to Make Growing Your Own Food Illegal?
To be honest, I admit that I feel I’m wading into deep waters of ignorance on this one, but I felt compelled to share this link with the audience that follows Excited Delirium.
I’ve seen a few other stories related to the US government’s act to impose limitations on the growth and sale of local or organic foods, but I’m really keen to get feedback from the audience to see what your thoughts are about these rules. Will farmer’s markets really be wiped out? Will individuals really be stopped from growing their own tomatoes in their backyard?
Are there other interpretations out there on this issue? Please post when you have a moment.
And if you don’t feel like posting here, read the comments provided with the link. There are many who have posted thoughts that might indicate just how pissed Americans are about this legislation.
I think folks are slightly overreacting. Ontario has similar laws, AFAIK, particularly regarding such things as making your own cheese or sausages. (Technically, in Ontario, you can't make your own sausage without being licensed and regularly inspected.) That's really all the proposed law — not law yet — says: you need to be licensed and to allow inspectors to come in to check your facilities. Smaller growers can probably fly under the radar simply by not attracting attention; the same will apply to people who grow food for their own consumption.
I'm actually surprised that's not already on the books somewhere. Do you have anything about the status of state law on this issue?
Hi Adam,
Thank you for the feedback – this is what we're always told though, isn't it, to make us swallow something we don't like, right? “It's OK … if you're a small producer, there's nothing to worry about”, etc etc etc.
There are many debates going on right now and I think this is a pre-emptive move by corporate food producers to impose a limitation structure before people return to the notion that independence from mass producers is a GOOD thing. “Local” and “organic” are notions that are catching on in many ways and the big mega-farmers and suppliers don't like what they see.
Let's hope this all stays as a proposal and the US doesn't actually act on it. If they do, something about the word 'change' will be lost in a very big way.