April 20, 2020

Covid Journal, April 20, 2020

By admin


I cringe when I write words like that. I feel an immense sadness for the family and friends of the victims. I am ashamed of how another angry white male ended the lives of so many people.

I am also embarrassed for the establishment, including the media and officials, stating that this is ‘not a terrorist incident’.

A gunman killed at least 16 people in a shooting rampage in a rural community in Nova Scotia, Canada’s national broadcaster said late Sunday, in what was among the country’s worst mass killings in recent memory.

A motive for the mass shooting was not immediately clear. The police said that it did not begin as a random act but that the killings became random as the spree progressed.

The commissioner said the police did not consider the killings to be an act of terrorism.

Officials said Mr. Wortman, a denturist from Nova Scotia, had a relationship to some of the victims and was not known to the police. They said one line of investigation would be whether the coronavirus pandemic had anything to do with the killing spree.

During the manhunt, the authorities warned residents that Mr. Wortman was armed and dangerous, and told them to stay inside.

Frightened residents locked their doors and many hid in their basements — and stayed there overnight — as news of the shooting spread through the close-knit community.

Are you fucking kidding me?

How is this NOT a terrorist incident?

A man VERY INTENTIONALLY masqueraded as an RCMP officer, doctored a car to look like an RCMP vehicle and used this disguise and trust in this brand to snuff out the lives of 17 people and horrify countless others. He burned houses to distract officials from his true intent – to continue on down the road in a killing spree.

Why do we give someone from this demographic – the angry, middle-aged white male – a ‘pass’ when it comes to labeling the premeditated crime that he commits?

This is the kind of terror that I consider when I can’t fall asleep at night because we’re all trapped in our homes.

What’s to stop other maniacs from imitating those that we’re trained to bow down to and coming to our homes, shooting randomly and massacring people without any controls? If people feel trapped in their homes, how do they run to a neighbour’s for help or assistance? If people next door observe activity at a house, how are they supposed to differentiate between a terrorist charlatan and those we’re supposed to abide by the most.

It robs us all of our sense of calm and peace as we lock the doors behind us because we can no longer trust those that we are supposed to trust.

THIS is the WORST kind of TERRORISM.

To say it is not an act of terrorism is to defy the dignity of all victims, their families and even all of the people who glance out their livingroom windows, fearing what’s next.