Covid Journal, March 25, 2020
I don’t have much to add today. I’m starting to see a few people question the subtle nature by which we’ve all been subjected to Martial Law. This is comforting to me, as I believe we have a right to just ask some basic questions about the severity of the ‘treatment’ being prescribed.
(Again, for the record, myself and my loved ones are in isolation in our home and we are not flaunting said requests of the various officials).
AND … it seems like the US is determined to be #1 in the world again, this time for the rapid growth and pace at which they are getting affected by Covid 19.
That said, Spain’s number are just exploding, especially with deaths.
All I want is context: sorry to say this, but how many of these deaths would have happened anyways? Are 100% of all new cases of anything that remotely looks like the flu or pneumonia being attributed to Covid? I feel confident that authorities in Canada are being trustworthy, but what about some other countries?
In closing, I’m going to take advantage of the time to catch up on a few chores and practice guitar.
And if you want a real head-scratcher, check out this article.