January 23, 2008

Canada – Officials Cave to Pressure

It was very exciting to see that our government was ready to make a statement about the abuses of two countries: the US and Israel. For a brief moment, we had taken the high road and it seemed like we were going to finally show the world that we had a spine. The source of the direction was with a training document that would help […]

January 23, 2008

Shock Iraq – 935 Lies Surrounding Invasion Rationale

This article really shouldn’t come as a surprise. Not when there’s money to be made. This is a very slow site (likely due to unforeseen millions of instant pageviews), but worth it once it loads: http://www.publicintegrity.org/WarCard/ Here’s another link with a synopsis: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080123/ap_on_go_pr_wh/misinformation_study Unfortunately for all of us, the s**t is hitting the fan now in the form of "market correction".

January 22, 2008

US Economy in Freefall?

It looks like the market is going to open on a very negative note this morning: "Futures point to sharply lower open Tuesday" Making this "Red Tuesday" instead of Blue Monday . Perhaps this is finally happening because of this: Missing Trillions where trillions of dollars have been recorded as missing and trillions more are disappearing? Or perhaps because of this: Record Bonuses Paid to […]

January 15, 2008

TASER to visit Toronto

Arizona-based Taser International will be in Toronto hawking their latest products (maybe even the ones with the MP3s?) to the Toronto Police Force. http://www.cbc.ca/canada/toronto/story/2008/01/15/tto-tasers.html?ref=rss It amazes me how easy it has become for companies like this to sell fear to all levels of government. I wonder if their timing has anything to do with the Falconer Report on Toronto Schools. Maybe it was all one […]