What an awesome collection of research: www.oilchangeuse.org . I especially like the McCain profile: click here for the full image . It’s not about the oil. No. Not a chance. Does anyone know if similar data is available for Canada?
What an awesome collection of research: www.oilchangeuse.org . I especially like the McCain profile: click here for the full image . It’s not about the oil. No. Not a chance. Does anyone know if similar data is available for Canada?
In this audio clip , McCain (or McSame as one of the commentors suggested), had this to say about how to control crime in the inner-cities of America: And some of those tactics — you mention the war in Iraq — are like that we use in the military. You go into neighborhoods, you clamp down, you provide a secure environment for the people that […]
Chapter 62 of the fictional work ‘Excited Delirium’. A quake is coming.
It’s not something that comes across mainstream media often, so I’m relieved to hear someone admitting that the Iraq war was really only about the oil. Here’s the full story from Bill Moyers. Now, for those of you who were following this story, you’ll know that this ‘news’ came out a couple of weeks ago. I have to admit that I’ve been delinquent with my […]
As a marketer, I always find this kind of stuff interesting: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dfwZNomxsNg It’d be crazy … if it didn’t work on at least half the population.