Canada: Laundromat for the World’s Dirty Money
Real estate in Canada has become notorious as a means by which to launder dark money. It’s time to make it end before every Canadian will be blocked from affordable housing or even home ownership.
Real estate in Canada has become notorious as a means by which to launder dark money. It’s time to make it end before every Canadian will be blocked from affordable housing or even home ownership.
Our cities NEED to be a LOT better if we’re going to address climate change in any meaningful way. Here are some resources. Also, Europe has announced they will likely impose a levy on less efficient carbon production. It’s unlikely that Canada will survive this kind of scrutiny.
Afforable housing: Doug Ford’s updated version of ‘buck a beer’. All promise, no solutions.
Ontario: leaders wanted. Apply via the same old-school arcane process.
A campus tour of a college will reveal to most people that our post-secondary institutions are poorly equipped with the tools needed to train our kids how to save society. I give them an F.