Micro-mobility = Macro Results
Some ideas about rethinking public infrastructure and micro-mobility.
Some ideas about rethinking public infrastructure and micro-mobility.
Andrew Scheer, Jason Kenney, Scott Moe: Canada’s Three Wexiteers, all clamouring for something that they don’t own.
I snapped this quote the other day and wanted to share it: I’m putting this here for a LOT of reasons. $1.3 trillion reasons. That’s right: the Government Pension Fund of Norway is worth $1.3 trillion and is moving on from oil-based investments. 1.3 trillion reasons why anti-Canadians like Jason Kenney, Scott Moe, Andrew Scheer and other Conservatives are content to stick their heads in […]
The 2019 election just went from boring to outrageous.
Minorities are good. Minority governments are even BETTER. Let’s demand that if we get one on Monday, representatives can’t just toss in the towel after a couple of weeks of hissy fits.