Category: Uncategorized

September 11, 2020

Covid Journal, Sept 11, 2020

Canada’s Residential Schools – Hard to Watch, But Necessary I enrolled with the University of Alberta’s ‘Indigenous Canada’. Every Canadian should take the time to review these videos and content. This video and lesson was particularly hard to watch: Killing the Indian in the Child. Over the last few months, I have been concerned about the state of education in Ontario and Canada, but I […]

September 9, 2020

Covid Journal, Sept 9, 2020

‘Back to School’ Welcome back everyone. After nearly 6 months ‘away’, unions, teachers, administrators, students, parents and everyone else tied to the educational system are all adding their own ingredients to the Covid stew. While teachers have had ‘6 months off’ (as many would interpret this government-imposed ‘pause’, remember that if you’re going to get frustrated with anyone, here’s a list of the pecking order […]

August 28, 2020

Covid Journal, August 28, 2020

Education is our commitment to younger people today so that they will thank us with care and attention later when we need it most. How will the ‘Covid cohort’ treat us after what we’ve done to them? Probably not well.