Category: Uncategorized

October 19, 2008

Head of Taser Distributor Arrested in France

NOTE:  Now that the Canadian election is a bust, it’s time I got back to the original and targeted intent of this blog, which is to follow all things related to Taser and the shock economy. Original story here. French police arrested the head of a company that distributes stun guns in France for Scottsdale-based Taser International Inc. on Tuesday, according to foreign news reports. […]

October 13, 2008

Canadian Election: Best / Worst Moments

As the election looms, I wanted to take a moment to reflect on the 2008 Canadian election and let you know what I thought were the top best/worst moments for me.  Please post yours below as well – I would appreciate your thoughts. The best moments for me, in no particular order, were the following: This rant , which was nominated ‘best rant of the […]

October 9, 2008

Disqus Loaded

I’ve implemented a new commenting system, thanks to the reference from Michael. It’s called Disqus.  It allows users to track all of their own personal comments and pings users whenever someone else adds to their comments. I haven’t tested it yet, but I’m looking forward to creating more dialogue.

October 9, 2008

Canadian Election: The Harper Conservatives Absent Again

Democratic Media did a survey of all major Canadian political parties, asking about a range of issues related to media, including net neutrality and the CBC.  The Conservatives refused to respond. Really.  What the hell are the Conservatives afraid of that they can’t even spend 10 minutes to fill in a basic questionnaire? Why are the Conservatives so silent on these kind of things?  Who […]