I want to start a (progressive) party
After procrastinating on this for some time, I finally concede that the only future for Canada is to start a new party: The Progressive Party of Canada.
After procrastinating on this for some time, I finally concede that the only future for Canada is to start a new party: The Progressive Party of Canada.
Does the CPCCA end Canada’s ability to be an honest broker in the Middle East?
Is Bentonville (the home to Wal-Mart) due for payback from the rest of the world? You decide.
As Canadians, we should be very aware and concerned about the implications of Harmid Karzai’s recent statement about the Taliban: http://www.digitaljournal.com/article/286259 (full story printed below). As someone who’s been opposed to this war from the beginning, you don’t know how much a statement or suggestion like Karzai’s really throws me into a loop – and should throw every citizen of this planet into a loop […]