Ladies and Gentlemen: It’s the Wheel of (Conservative) Corruption!
The Wheel of Corruption is spinning round – come take a stab and pick your favourite deceit, lie, rip-off or fraud committed by Canada’s ruling party.
The Wheel of Corruption is spinning round – come take a stab and pick your favourite deceit, lie, rip-off or fraud committed by Canada’s ruling party.
The government of Japan recently halted the use of vaccines from Pfizer and Sanofi after several sudden deaths of infants. Original story here. Details pasted below. Last week, the TVO show ‘The Agenda’ ran a blog article titled ‘There Are No Two Sides To This’, only to find a passionate and frustrated audience of citizens that are very concerned when money comes before medicine. Attacking […]
Rob Ford: don’t ask Ontario to pay for your mess.
Check this poll if you think so … So far, an astounding 89% think these foods should be labeled.
As Hillary Clinton makes some droning speech to a group, an ex-CIA analyst is dragged away for having made a silent protest about the state of freedom in the US. Original link: Raw Story.