Category: Uncategorized

June 10, 2011

A Proposal for a Canadian National Hockey League (CNHL)

I post these thoughts as I wait in an airport watching everyone gear up for Game 5 of the Stanley Cup. I’m not a hockey fan. I think I’m one of those very few Canadians that openly admit this. I really don’t like the idea of spending millions on watching a bunch of goons kick the crap out of each other and there’s not a […]

May 22, 2011

Rapture-Minded Morons and the Future of the World

Yesterday’s ‘End of the World’ media circus proves a number of things to me: the end of the world is not coming there are a lot of morons in this country and elsewhere the media are like the inmates running the prison:  they’ll do anything they can to whip people into a frenzy Harold Camping, leader of Family Radio, and the millions of people like […]

May 12, 2011

Why Buy Local

This info-graphic was assembled by and makes an exceptionally compelling argument as to why people should at least consider buying local when they’re in the grocery store and elsewhere:

May 11, 2011

Gas Prices and the Conservative Majority

I feel it’s safe to say that as long as we’ve got a Conservative majority, it’s very unlikely that we’ll see any kind of investigation into the price of gas at the retail level. Prices will continue to soar.  They reached a peak in Toronto the other day, topping out over $1.40 per litre.  I wouldn’t be surprised to see gas prices top out over […]