Category: Uncategorized

June 24, 2011

The Ultimate 2012 US Ticket

Imagine towards the end of this year the following ticket: Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich. Ron Paul is a Republican that is actually a Libertarian.  For years, he has been advocating the elimination of the Fed because it’s run by Goldman Sachs and a small cabal of other bankers (and he’s right). Dennis Kucinich is a Democrat that is accused of being a socialist.  For […]

June 24, 2011

Bad Bananas

Here’s an interesting link about Dole, banana plantations and general human suffering. I had no idea that the original classic work of fiction ‘100 Years of Solitude’ by Gabrielle Garcia Marquez was all about this company’s efforts to manipulate various South African locales.  It looks like I’ve got one more reason to actually try to work through this piece. The connections with the article linked […]

June 23, 2011

I Want My CREDO Mobile Service

CREDO is a service in the US that gives mobile subscribers an opportunity to break away from mainstream carriers that are supporting Tea Partiers, Climate Change debunkers and other media clowns that are contributing to the decline of society. Alternet has a package available with CREDO and it begs the question:  why can’t I get something like this in Canada? Right now, there are three […]

June 14, 2011

The Business of Cancer

Every year, millions of people around the world run, jog, swim, roller blade, pogo hop and do all matter of other efforts to draw attention to the need to fund cancer research. Well, the game is over. Cancer is a racket. No … cancer is an industry. The first 30 minutes or so of this video about treatment by Dr. Burzynski are critical watching, but […]