Category: Uncategorized

February 13, 2012

Ode To A Grecian Burn

Oh, Greece!  What have you done? You’ve given up before the war was won. You laid down before the greedy banks And told your people they should give thanks For the promises that you have made In exchange for debts to be repaid. Scylla and Charibdes squeeze you down, While Europa’s Bull tries to steal your crown The world’s against you, but they forget Your […]

February 13, 2012

If Libs are Nazis, What Does That Make the Conservatives?

Conservative MP Larry Miller hauled out the ‘H’ word last week in the House of Commons, suggesting that the Liberals, in their support of the gun registry, are big fans of Hitler.  For some reason, the gun registry was up for discussion in the House (Again? Didn’t the Cons kill this?  Don’t they have anything else on their agenda?  Or is it truly all hidden, […]