Category: Uncategorized

May 16, 2013

Who Won the BC Election?

Oil. Alberta Oil. Reports show that Alberta oil companies spent hundreds of thousands on campaign contributions for the BC Liberals. Quelle surprise. And where did that money go? Attack ads. Guess what voters of BC?  I won’t cry for your coastlines when they’re thick with bitumen.  You’ve fallen for the worst and oldest trick in the book – attack ads – and now you have […]

May 12, 2013

100% Guarantee by 100% Corrupt Harper Government

It’s 100% time to put 100% of the 100% crooked and 100% corrupt Stephen Harper Conservatives behind their 100% publicly funded 100% privately owned prison system. I’m 100% astounded and 100% shocked that Peter Mackay would be 100% idiotic enough to offer a 100% guarantee concerning the cabinet seat for 100% election cheat Peter Penashue. 100% of Canadians – and more importantly, the voters of […]

April 8, 2013

RBC, Jobs and the Cons

A lot of people have shown their annoyance, aggravation and irritation with RBC for having announced that they will downsize to another country after the foreign-worker program has been exhausted. I would argue that this anger is misdirected and that RBC is simply following the law of the land. Law that was put into place to depreciate the value of contributions from anyone in this […]

March 22, 2013

Jim Flaherty: Canada’s Worse Finance Minister (Ever)

For someone who talks the talk and bullies other provinces and jurisdictions around, Mr. Flaherty should take some of his own advice. Another budget has been delivered by Mr. Flaherty and the Conservatives, but we’ve somehow added another $26 billion to our ever-growing mountain of debt.  So, if Mr. Flaherty is borrowing money when interest rates are low, why the hell shouldn’t every other Canadian? […]