Category: Uncategorized

October 10, 2013

Gas Plants Questions

For the record, I’m not a supporter of the Ontario Liberals, but I will suggest that a lot of rage has built up about the gas plant issues and rightly so.  The issue for me is that the rage – especially the bull-shit righteous indignation of Tim Hudak and Andrea Horvath – is misdirected. The wrong questions are being asked about the recent announcement about […]

September 18, 2013

Stephen Harper: The Last Advertiser

The world of advertising has been at a crossroads for some time. The advent of digital more than a decade ago has taken most ‘traditional’ advertisers by surprise and left them wondering how they can brainwash the masses. Print producers failed to adapt because they didn’t see the massive shift to online classifieds and other ‘wanted’ ads, robbing them of a vital cash flow to […]

September 3, 2013

A Unique Wireless Option

Everyone is in a panic to create a so-called competitive, corporate option for Canadians as the Conservatives hustle to sell off the last big chunk of wireless airwaves (aka the ‘Wireless Spectrum Auction’).  Verizon has backed out, probably under pressure from corporate Canada, so what’s next? I would like to boldly recommend a new option:  we ‘publicize’ the wireless spectrum that’s up for auction. Of […]

August 22, 2013

The Fraser Institute Jumps the Shark

The Fraser Institute released The Cost of Raising Children report today.  I’m not going to link to it because I don’t want to promote it, nor do I want anyone to waste their time thinking they should read it. And don’t bother reading the news stories about it. Why?  I’m refraining from saying anything slanderous, but suffice to say, it’s not worth the paper it’s […]

August 10, 2013


The CRTC puts on SUN block for Canadians. The Cons will find some way to make sure we get their brand of melanoma.