Are you unhappy with your mega-corporation?
Americans no longer trust the companies that run their economy … and lives. How do Canadians feel about this? How will we feel as economic collapse occurs yet again?
Americans no longer trust the companies that run their economy … and lives. How do Canadians feel about this? How will we feel as economic collapse occurs yet again?
The CRTC Usage Based Billing decision has been overturned by the Cons. How long before Bell and Rogers find other ways to gouge consumers?
Budget mismanagement in the US at the federal level for the last 3 decades has left states and municipalities in the US in the worse financial shape in history. The message for Canada is that Corporate Tax cuts are a give-away that will ruin our own financial status.
Cuts to corporate income taxes mean nothing to me and most likely, the other 2.5 million Canadians that run their own small businesses. Here are some suggestions for any party that wants to cater to the small business class and how following through on these recommendations could likely generate a majority.
The Conservative Party of Canada has crossed the line with their recent use of Michael Ignatieff in their shameful attack ads. This post gives details as to how you can submit complaints to various boards in Canada. Be sure to ask that retraction / apology ads be placed with equal time and similar dates.