The High Cost of the Truth …
Dutch disease: another taboo in the Conservative world that joins other terms like ‘accountability’ and ‘digital strategy’.
Dutch disease: another taboo in the Conservative world that joins other terms like ‘accountability’ and ‘digital strategy’.
So much is going on in the Canadian political landscape, I really didn’t know where to start. That said, this article tries to cover a lot of the problems that are emerging as a result of treating Canadian voters like commodities to be traded and bought (or suppressed) using modern direct marketing and database mining techniques. What our politicians don’t want us to know is how much THEY actually know about US.
Will Canadians finally get our country back now that the lid has come off the Fone Fraud Fiasco? Will Stephen Harper finally accept responsibility for what is happening?
Is Stephen Harper a Fascist? You take the survey and judge for yourself.
I want a recall of the May 2011 Federal Election and I want the UN to supervise election activity when we finally get a chance to go to the polls again (assuming we do).