Covid Journal, August 20, 2020
Public education is on the ropes and Ford and Lecce are delivering a two-bunch blow below the belt. The unions are AWOL. Boards are screwed.
Public education is on the ropes and Ford and Lecce are delivering a two-bunch blow below the belt. The unions are AWOL. Boards are screwed.
A little more focus on tech than usual. I’m sick of Covid and I’m disgusted with the powers that be with Ontario’s education system. I’ll comment on all that’s happened in the last week or so when I have the stomach for it again. Private Phones & Other Hardward Pretty much every device we have in our lives is now reporting on all of our […]
Back to School Based on Flawed Data Dr. Robert Bernstein writes in the Toronto Star that back to school plans for Ontario are based on flawed data. Ontario felt it was safe to open middle and elementary grades without cutting class sizes to improve physical separation. I have reviewed the same evidence as the SickKids document and have come to different conclusions. Reading the source […]
What’s your take on Covid and classes? If a treatment comes in the form of CBD oil, would you take it?