Canadian Press Sucks Up to Harper as ‘2011 Story of Year’
Quelle surprise: mainstream media excited about Harper’s majority win and declare it to be ‘story of the year’.
Follow all of my rants concerning the upcoming Canadian Election. It’ll be fun. I promise you. And if you don’t like what I have to say, then off to the Tar Sands with you!!
Quelle surprise: mainstream media excited about Harper’s majority win and declare it to be ‘story of the year’.
The Conservatives have been busted for rigging the 2006 election yet we have no way of addressing the problem.
I know. It’s been nearly 2 months since the Canadian election and 40% of those who voted showed their contempt for Canada by electing a pack of crooks. I tried very hard to bury these painful thoughts about why so many people would fall for the garbage that Harper spun and I think I’ve finally figured out part of it. Harper’s message was the complete […]
Alternate Voting – or AV – will have massive implications with respect to voting in Canada (and will hopefully marginalize all of those who vote for dogs instead of cats).
Constantly lampooning the NDP for having the only youth in their party may provide a short-term distraction from the crimes of the Cons, but it ain’t gonna last.