Category: Canada

October 16, 2008

16% = (near) majority

The will of 16% of the population of Canada has been thrust upon.  Steve is acting like he’s been handed a majority.  Stephane has succombed.  Jack’s gang is a little larger, but no longer a threat. The numbers are really quite depressing. For starters, only 3 out of every 5 Canadians voted.  I’d like to know what happened to the other 40%. A total of […]

October 15, 2008

Canadian Election: Next Steps

Well, another day, another $300,000,000 down the drain. Or was it? Last night, Canada voted.  What did we prove? Here are my thoughts. The two ‘traditional’ parties (Conservatives & Liberals) are flailing: The Cons got (nearly) the same vote as the last election The Liberals got pounded and Dion has already made his ‘I’ll do what you want’ speech The NDP & Greens did exceptionally […]

October 14, 2008

URGENT: Action on Close Ridings

I post the following with some continued misgivings about strategic voting, but trust all of you to decide what to do with the information: According to Vote for Environment’s polling info, there are currently 62 ridings in which a conservative is leading WHICH COULD BE WON BY THE PARTY IN SECOND PLACE if a number of those voting for the 3rd to 6th place candidates […]

October 13, 2008

Canadian Election: Best / Worst Moments

As the election looms, I wanted to take a moment to reflect on the 2008 Canadian election and let you know what I thought were the top best/worst moments for me.  Please post yours below as well – I would appreciate your thoughts. The best moments for me, in no particular order, were the following: This rant , which was nominated ‘best rant of the […]

October 11, 2008

Dion: What Was the Question?

I’ve stayed away from Dion through the course of this election, but it’s becoming more and more clear that he’s not the man to lead this country. This YouTube clip shows that he has no plan beyond the Green Shift. I was going to ‘vote strategically’, but I really think this is a waste.  The Liberals are Conservatives in disguise.  The only reason why the […]