Category: Canada

December 28, 2008

Al Qaeda joins ranks of Peter Pan, Zeus

According to this official , there is no Al Qaeda.  The truth about the war on terror becomes more obvious:  identify who benefits and you identify who causes / caused the problems. "The truth is, there is no Islamic army or terrorist group called Al Qaida. And any informed intelligence officer knows this. But there is a propaganda campaign to make the public believe in […]

December 28, 2008

You Can’t Fight the Tsunami of Structural Change

Structural change is upon us.  Our leaders can’t fight it.  As they embarass themselves with bailout after bailout, they fail to stop and look at what’s happening around them. Structural change is an inherent decrease in demand for stuff we don’t want.  In fact, we don’t even think we need it any more, mainly because the tools of demand generation (mainstream publishers and marketing agencies) […]

December 26, 2008

Canada’s Political (Colour) Spectrum

Is a Green just a yellow Blue? Is an Orange just a yellow Red? No. The Greens in Canada are substantially better than the Blues and the Reds can’t hold a candle to the Oranges. In 2009, Purple will be the colour of Parliament. With the help of Red, Blue become the furthest right on the spectrum (see below). The Reds under Ignatieff have merged […]

December 23, 2008

Assessing the Political (Colour) Spectrum of Canadian Politics

Is a Green just a yellow Blue? Is an Orange just a yellow Red? No.  The Greens in Canada are substantially better than the Blues and the Reds can’t hold a candle to the Oranges. In 2009, Purple will be the colour of Parliament. With the help of Red, Blue become the furthest right on the spectrum. The Reds under Ignatieff have merged with the […]

December 22, 2008

Stimulus for ALL Sectors

Hi everyone, I’ve copy/pasted below a letter from Tonya Surman and Peter Clutterbuck of the Ontario Non-Profit Network.  It’s imperative that we do everything we can to encourage Jim Flaherty and all of the other folks who will have an impact on the Jan 27 economic stimulus package to consider helping the non-profit, charity and co-op sectors. Here’s their letter: Please forward this email to […]