Category: Canada

February 22, 2009

Net Neutrality Video – Please Share With Friends

A lot of Canadians are relatively unaware of the issues associated with what’s called ‘Net Neutrality’.  In the last election, the only party that even dared make it a modest political issue was the NDP.  If the Liberals are seeking ways to get Canadians on board with their new leader, this would be a great issue to support.  It’s a seemingly small issue, but it […]

February 14, 2009

Stop the Bleeding, Cut the Defense Budget

The Harper Administration has made a commitment to spend more than $500 billion (BILLION) over the next ten years on the Department of Defense. Because most of this expense will be on non-Canadian companies and companies in the US and elsewhere that are committed to one thing – eternal strife – we need to seriously re-evaluate this expenditure. And when we do, the rewards will […]

February 7, 2009

Why Can’t We Just Spend Our Way Out of Depression?

The Canadian government has made a commitment to spend an unprecedented amount on ‘stimulus’.  So has the US.  The British government has bought many banks (along with the US) and will likely buy several more over the coming months.  The EU has reduced lending rates in order to encourage people to borrow, spend and borrow some more. Through this process, the world’s economic ‘power houses’ […]

January 25, 2009

Why Corporate Tax Cuts (in Canada) Make No Sense

The January 27 budget is leaking faster than a flatulent elephant after eating a tonne of beans. More and more details come out every day, and yet the Conservatives don’t have the courage to present it in the House of Commons. That said, we’ve seen many trial balloons about several topics and the one that we’ll probably have confirmed at the last minute will be […]

January 18, 2009

Rex Murphy: Where to Spend?

Rex Murphy, host of the national CBC show called "Cross Country Checkup", is asking Canadians tonight where they should spend their money. You can all hang up.  I have the top 10 answers. Stop spending any more money on fossil fuels or things that burn fossil fuels.  It’s stupid. Understand that we have an opportunity to institute structural change:  invest in green and invest lots.  […]