Category: Canada

April 21, 2009

Cons To Fill A Black (Media) Hole?

In this snapshot of international advertising forecasts from emarketer , it’s predicted that the average volume of advertising in Canada will drop as little as 2.5% in 2009, but if you look at global numbers (towards the end of the article), advertising around the world will drop anywhere from 6 to 10%. As an aside, that could be as much as $50 billion in lost […]

April 8, 2009

No more bailouts, please

Research credit to Impolitical . There’s really nothing worse than the prospect of hard-line anti-government control-freaks taking over anything, let alone Canadian media. But that seems to be in the cards, anyways, doesn’t it? Rumours have swirled for a while about the CBC being cut.  As early as last fall, folks identified that more than $200 million would be cut.  And they were right.  We’re […]

March 27, 2009

From Avaaz: Save the CBC

OK … let the petitioning and Facebook pages begin, but nothing’s going to change until we get rid of the Cons. Amid several beefs about this situation is the simple fact that the Cons (with the support of the Liberals) are spending billions of OUR DOLLARS on tax cuts and enriching the upper class, but when they promise to create jobs, this is how they […]

March 25, 2009

Stop the Bailouts, Stop the Cuts

I was going to title this piece "Failure of CanWest = Failure of Conservatives = Failure of Capitalism", but that was too long.  And … given that the Cons are still in control of this country, the focus should instead be on the level of ripe corruption that is really annoying me. Before I go on, follow this link, express your ‘regrets’ with this call […]

March 22, 2009

How To Win A Canadian Election

As it stands, the Canadian economy and democratic institutions are in a state of paralysis. Iggy is now courting the evangelicals.  He is silent on issues related to Bush being a war criminal and slush funds created for the benefit of the Cons and people that support them. Harper is … well, Harper.  There have been many articles posted here and by other bloggers (most […]